Several tables have been added to your database. You can learn about them using the DESC command. They are named book, author, publisher and book_author.

I recommend using the tee command to record your work as you determine the correct answer for each of the following questions. Be sure to use a text-editor of some sort to trim down the file, to save the instructor some effort when reading your answer file. Name your answer file 'lab3.answers'

  1. (2 points) show a listing of all authors in the author table, and the book_id of the books they have written. You will have to join the author table to the book_author table.
  2. (4 points) Alter the answer to the above question so that the title and ISBN of each book are shown in addition to the author's first and last name
  3. (4 points) JOIN the book and publisher tables such that all book titles are shown as well as publisher name.
  4. (6 points) JOIN the book and publisher tables such that only publishers WITHOUT any book entries are shown.
  5. (4 points) display all book titles, along with author's full name, publisher's name and zip code, and the book's ISBN.
  6. (1 points) sort the answer to the previous question by the book title
  7. (1 points) sort the answer to the previous question by the author's last name
  8. (1 points) sort the answer to the previous question by the publisher's name
  9. (2 points) Show all authors from the author table, along with a count of all the books they have written

Extra Credit: (4 points) Show all authors who have had books published by more than one publisher.