additional data has been added to your database. The book, author, publisher and book_author tables have all been updated.
I recommend using the tee command to record your work as you determine the correct answer for each of the following questions. Be sure to use a text-editor of some sort to trim down the file, to save the instructor some effort when reading your answer file. Name your answer file 'lab4.answers'
- (5 points) show a listing of all authors in the author table (first and last name), along with a count of how many publishers with which they have worked.
- (5 points) show a listing of all publisher names, and a count of all the books they have published.
- (5 points) show a listing of all publisher names, and a count of all the authors with whom they have worked.
- (5 points) show a listing of all publisher names and the first and last name of each author with whom they have worked.
- (2 points) show a count of all books which do not have ISBNs listed.
- (1 points) show a count of all books which have more than one author.
- (2 points) show a count of publishers who are missing zip code information.